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Updated: Oct 29, 2022

Mark Thursday 10th November in your calendars for SW Makers End-of-Year Drinks and AGM from 5.30pm.

Come along to Blarney Books and meet other makers, enjoy an early Christmas drink or two and hear about our plans for 2023 and beyond. Being our Annual General Meeting, there will be some brief formalities and all committee positions will be declared open. Please consider volunteering your time to be on the committee and participate in the decision-making process for the association. Drinks provided.

Thanks to all our members who contributed to the very successful winter exhibition, “Boats”, held at Blarney Books. Sales of $5855 were generated, half of the proceeds going to SW Makers. Thanks to those artist members who opted to donate the full sales amount to the association. Thanks also to Jo and Dean Canham for hosting the exhibition and providing entertainment for the opening night.

A reminder about the Pop Up event next Saturday 22nd October, when you are invited to spend some time at the Sea Scout Hall opposite the Railway Reserve, demonstrating your craft, skills and artistic practice or just to have a look. There will be a progressive painting – an opportunity to improve upon one of those canvases that has been sitting in the shed for far too long! We will have some tables available for makers in the hall, but encourage you to supply your own, as well as materials and equipment. If you can set up your display from 9.30am, we would appreciate your participation. It should be a fun event allowing us to see what having a dedicated workshop space would be like. This event is timed to coincide with the Port Fairy Community House Market to encourage new members and create awareness about the Association and will conclude at 2.00pm. Contact Robert Gatt on 0438682794 for more information.

Please contact Britt Gow at if you have any news, articles, dates of interest, local exhibitions or other information you would like to share with members.

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